The Angeron's Journey
Our Story
In over 20 years of combined ministry, my wife, Adriane, and I have given our lives to lead and mentor those that God has sent us to. He has allowed each of us to serve in many various ministry positions through Bethel Pentecostal Fellowship, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, and the Assemblies of God. In July 2024: we formally joined Vessel of Honour Ministries!
What have we been doing the past 11 years?
The past several years have laid a foundation of trust and faith in Jesus. I fully believe the Lord has always ordered our steps. In January 2013, Adriane and I joined hands in marriage; two months later we dove headfirst into youth ministry. We have served our local church, Bethel Pentecostal Fellowship, as youth leaders over the youth music department ever since. We have witnessed and seen the Lord do amazing works through our youth in services, camps, conventions, etc. It has been an honor to be a part of each youth member’s life; we cherish every moment with them.
Apart from ministry, Adriane and I have worked in the corporate world (oilfield and medical) and have experienced both successes and downfalls. In 2016, I experienced my first layoff due to the downturn of the oilfield, and in 2024, I experienced what I would call “a total door closer by God”, as I was let go from my most recent position. In both the highs and lows of my work career, the Lord has time and time again provided for our family. With this recent door closing, we are now being lead through a new door of opportunity in ministry.
A door opening, Vessel of Honour Ministries.
As a family, it has been a pleasure supporting Vessel of Honour Ministries (VOHM) since 2016. I first learned about this ministry through our local church. Evangelist Stephen McKay, President and Founder of VOHM, was invited by our Youth Pastor to preach several of our youth camps throughout the years. It was at these very camps where I was able to form a level of friendship with Stephen that only the Lord could provide. Not only has he been a friend of mine but he has been a mentor and Christian example in my life that I could glean from.
Through our growing relationship, I learned of the heavy weight upon Stephen’s shoulders from operating VOHM alone. The ministry’s need was something I could meet. At the end of 2022, I joined the team by offering any talents the Lord has given me through my many years of working in Management, Finance, and Design. Up until now, this has been a ministry I have served in “part-time”. With God “closing the door” in my most recent work position, I truly believe a new door has been opened to join VOHM Full-Time.
We are uniquely qualified and called to serve this ministry.
We know ministry. We have lived it, worked in it, and raised our kids in it.
Our past ministry experience has been vital in helping us understand the lives of others and building relationships with people from diverse backgrounds.
God has given us talents and a vision to reach the lost.
We have the support of our local pastors; they have been with us every step of the way.
Would you join us and give financially to our journey in ministry?
Adriane and I have already given to this ministry. We have been working jobs to supplement our income. Balancing time and energy is a sacrifice, but we’re completely sold out to this vision.
Our goal is to raise our financial need of $4,000 per month. Our deadline: March 2025.​
Our Financial Breakdown:
$4,000 per month – will help Adriane and I devote ourselves to Vessel of Honour Ministries Full-Time. We will be able to “Go ye therefore” and fulfill the Great Commission God has called us to in administrative duties, mission trips, etc. We will be able to reach the lost and love the abandoned through the mission of VOHM which is “to create a presence of the Gospel in remote parts of the world, and to establish orphanages where at risk children are exposed to harm or danger”.
Individual monthly donations.
This is an individual monthly breakdown of what we would need to reach our financial goal.
Would you take one of these slots?
40 people at $100.00
80 people at $50.00
160 people at $25.00
400 people at $10.00
Your gift will be handled with complete integrity through the 501C3 organization of Vessel of Honour Ministries and under the accountability of our external ministry overseers, including Pastor Marty Harden from Bethel Pentecostal Fellowship in Patterson, LA, Pastor Daren Downs from Living Waters Church in Chino, CA, and Pastor Rick Keller from Hope Church in Johnson City, TN.
In closing…
Our goal is not just a one-time event or a blip on the screen. We’ve diligently prepared ourselves for the long-haul. We’re here to make disciples of Christ around the world. Vessel of Honour Ministries will continue to be a life-giving, impact ministry… with your help.
Help us join Vessel of Honour Ministries and change lives around the world. Help us reach the lost and love the abandoned. Help us bring the Gospel to those who have never heard. Help us grow the Kingdom.