Through aviation all people everywhere can be accessed with the Gospel.

Who We Are
We are a team of pilots, pastors, and lay people with hearts for missions.
What We Do
We deliver resources and provide missions support to the Bahaman Islands.

In December 2021, hearing of a need for Aviation in the Bahamas, a team made a trip to see the needs among the island churches. After spending a week touring seven of the islands and meeting with several Pastors, Elders and lay people, we began to see an overwhelming need for Aviation to serve the church in the Bahamas through Aviation.
Resources & Supplies
VOHM will focus on brining in much needed supplies to continue rebuilding from past Hurricanes.
Medical Flights
In addition, VOHM will provide medical flights from the more remote islands to the more populated islands for routine and emergency medical care.
VOHM will support the efforts for evangelizing by bringing in groups to conduct Backyard Bible Clubs, sports camps, as well as construction teams.